There’s How Much 钠 in That Dish?

There’s How Much 钠 in That Dish?

Don't be fooled by these healthy-sounding restaurant choices.

钠. It's odorless, colorless 和 practically undetectable. Too much of it is bad for your health, 和 if you eat at restaurants often, you may be consuming more than you think. The most common source of sodium is table salt, but it's also found in most processed foods.

The average person consumes about 3,400 milligrams of sodium a day but guidelines suggest adults limit sodium to no more than 1,500 to 2,每日300毫克. Your body needs some sodium to function normally, but too much can change the 流感id balance in your body 和 increase blood pressure.

If you're watching your sodium intake, here are some healthy-sounding restaurant choices you may want to avoid.

  • 汤: Choosing soup from your favorite Chinese restaurant may seem like the perfect light 和 healthy choice to start your meal. But one cup of wonton or hot-和-sour soup can have 800-900 milligrams of sodium – that's before you even get to the main part of a sodium-filled meal. Instead, choose steamed dumplings, lettuce wraps or spring rolls.
  • 沙拉: Think that dinner-sized salad is healthy? A grilled chicken Caesar salad topped with cheese, 油炸面包丁, anchovies 和 dressing can contain as much as 1,800 milligrams of sodium. To load up on healthy greens while keeping sodium levels in check, order salads containing mostly fresh vegetables 和 lean proteins. Hold the cheese, 油炸面包丁, olives 和 other salty extras. Instead of commercially-prepared salad dressing, ask for oil 和 vinegar on the side. You'll not only reduce the sodium, but you'll also consume less fat 和 calories.
  • 三明治: Looking to eat lighter at lunch? Opting for a turkey club wrap over a cheeseburger may seem like the healthier choice, but at many restaurant chains s和wiches like these can have over 2,000 milligrams of sodium – more than most hamburgers. Although turkey contains less saturated fat than a burger, restaurants tend to pile on high-sodium extras like bacon, cheese or sauces to add flavor. Reduce the sodium (和 fat) by replacing these s和wich add-ons with mustard 和 extra veggies.

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Date Last Reviewed: October 22, 2020

Editorial Review: Andrea Cohen, Editorial Director, Baldwin Publishing, 公司. 联系编辑

医学检查: 诺拉·米诺,RD, CDN

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